Retail Shelving


SP –  Shelving 

  • Bolted Shelving Bolted Retail Shelving

Light duty Modular shelving system for storage of light to medium products. The system can also be used  in Multi Tier installations complete with staircases and walkways.

  • Office Shelving Office Shelving

Light duty Modular shelving system with easily adjusted shelf levels  ideally suited for offices and store rooms  . The system can also be installed on mobile bases manually  or mechanically reducing storage are with one operating aisle.

Wax treaded standard size cardboard shelf bins ( Flat packs)

  • Long span Shelving  Long Span Shelving

Modular long span shelving for medium duty loads and Multi Tier installations.

System consist of light duty racking frames , beams with steel or timber decking panels easily adjustable to suit your needs.